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DCA 2024

No longer accepting applications

DeFi Catalyst Accelerator

Exceptional founders driving REAL DeFi innovation.


DCA is a DeFi-focused accelerator program aiming to support startups (Builders/Developers) building on Etherlink / Tezos.

The DCA begins with a 2-week in-person bootcamp in Singapore. The remaining 4 weeks are completed remotely.

Mentorship & Guidance

Targeted support from the Core DeFi team of the Tezos ecosystem and experienced mentors in the space. We will help you validate ideas, focus your time & resources, complement your team and eventually raise money from our network of VC partners.

$200k Funding

Receive a potential investment of $200k designed to support you while you raise your seed round.

Expert Sessions

DeFi specific working sessions from UI/UX, Product Development, Core Engineering, Liquidity, Security & Legal experts of their respective fields.

Network Turbocharged

Mulitple in-person networking opportunities will be hosted for the benefit of the cohort, including an evening together with leading Asia-based Web3 investors, and meetups with the Web3 community in Singapore.

Who is DCA for?

The program is open to all early-stage projects but we believe we can add the most value to founders at the Idea or Ideation stage!

DCA 2024

Through the DCA we want to bring to the community on-chain projects with a financial angle.
This might include but is not limited to the following sectors.

  • User-Friendly Web 2.5 DeFi Platforms / Crypto Neobanks
  • Digital Asset Management Platform / Automated Strategy Vaults
  • Sports Betting
  • Real World Assets (RWA)
  • Innovative Trading Marketplaces

Our program

2-week in-person onboarding followed by a 4-week fully remote program for global participants.

Week 1 - 2


Meet the mentors, cohort, & local ecosystem

Begin collaborating intensively your mentors covering each aspect of your project, in addition to meeting with other cohort members and networking with the Web3 VC and builder community in Singapore.

Validate your idea & start budgeting

Call experts in the field, link with external stakeholders and run customer surveys. The goal is to make sure you are on to something that appeals to potential customers and can scale.

Week 3 - 6


Mentorship & lectures

Learn how to build in crypto and grow your product. Start attending weekly check-ins and live lectures.

Early MVP work

Get started on designing the user journey and workflows for both the UI and the backend of your application or service.

End of week 6

Investor Committee

Present your product to leading VCs & experts for investment.

DCA with us

Join our community of crypto founders and the wider Tezos community.

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Frequently asked questions


Feedback or comments? Get in touch with us at

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