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Developer Portal

Sign On Web2 Backend with a Tezos Wallet





15 min read


Apr 3, 2024


Smart Contracts



Tech Stack:


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Stay ahead in the world of web2 and blockchain integration by mastering SIWT with these in-depth tutorials! Whether you're a developer, a blockchain enthusiast, or just curious about new technologies, these videos are designed to provide valuable knowledge and hands-on experience.

What you’ll learn:

  • SIWT Fundamentals: Understand the core principles and benefits of using SIWT for authentication.
  • Step-by-Step Integration: Detailed guidance on connecting your Tezos wallet to web2 applications.
  • Advanced Customization: Learn to tailor SIWT for different use cases and enhance user experience.
  • Real-World Examples: See how SIWT is implemented in actual projects to grasp practical applications.
  • Best Practices: Gain insights into ensuring secure and efficient integration.

Part 1: Sign On Web2 Backend with a Tezos Wallet

Exciting update! Are you aware that your Tezos wallet has capabilities beyond transactions? SIWT (Sign In With Tezos), a powerful library, simplifies this process by enabling effortless authentication on any web2 application. By seamlessly integrating with your Tezos wallet, SIWT facilitates smooth interaction with a web2 backend.

In this first video, you'll learn:

  • The basics of SIWT and how it works.

  • How to set up your development environment for integration.

  • Step-by-step instructions to connect your Tezos wallet to a web2 backend.

  • Troubleshooting common issues during the integration process

Part 2: Deep Dive into SIWT Integration

In the second video, we delve deeper into SIWT, a library designed to streamline authentication across various web2 applications. This comprehensive, hands-on walkthrough details the process of seamless integration into various projects.

In this second video, you'll learn:

  • Advanced features of the SIWT library.

  • How to customize authentication workflows to suit your project’s needs.

  • Real-world examples of SIWT integration in different web2 applications.

  • Best practices for maintaining security and performance during integration.


Related resources

Dive into one of the tutorials from the community and get started now.


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