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Developer Portal

Understanding NFTs

Beata Lipska

Beata Lipska



12 min read


Apr 20, 2024


Smart Contracts



Tech Stack:



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NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are unique digital assets that have taken the world by storm. Combining elements of art, technology, and finance, NFTs offer new opportunities and challenges for developers and artists alike. This blog provides an overview of a comprehensive video series that explores NFTs in depth, covering everything from the basic concepts to advanced development techniques on the Tezos blockchain.

What you’ll learn:

  • Core concepts and technical fundamentals of NFTs
  • Step-by-step process for developing and deploying NFTs on the Tezos blockchain
  • Techniques for building and interacting with decentralized applications (dApps) for NFTs

Part 1: Understanding NFTs - A Developer's Guide

Welcome to a comprehensive guide on NFTs tailored for developers! In this first episode of the 'NFTs - All You Should Know as a Developer’ series, delve into the theory behind NFTs. Uncover the core concepts, technical fundamentals, and unique characteristics that set NFTs apart in the digital world. Perfect for both beginners and seasoned developers, this video sets the stage for a hands-on journey into the realm of NFTs on the Tezos blockchain.

Part 2: Understanding NFTs - Step-by-Step Coding Tutorial

Ready to code your first NFT? Episode 2 of the 'Understanding NFTs' series guides you through the exciting process of developing your very own NFT on the Tezos blockchain. Essential coding skills needed will be covered, alongside a walkthrough of the development environment setup and how to craft a simple yet effective NFT smart contract.

Part 3: Understanding NFTs - IPFS, Minting & Freezing NFTs

In the third installment of the 'Understanding NFTs' series, dive deeper into the world of NFTs by exploring IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), minting, and freezing NFT collections in a local environment. Learn how to securely store your NFT data using IPFS, understand the minting process, and discover how to 'freeze' your collection.

Part 4: Understanding NFTs - Originating Your NFTs on Testnet

Welcome to Episode 4, where you’ll take your NFT skills to the next level by focusing on launching your NFTs on the Tezos Testnet. This pivotal stage allows developers to fine-tune and experiment with their NFTs within an authentic blockchain environment without incurring the expenses associated with the mainnet. Beata will lead you through each step, from testnet setup to the deployment of your NFTs, ensuring you're fully equipped to do this yourself.

Part 5: Building Your First NFT Minting dApp on Tezos

In part 5, the spotlight is on the Taquito Library. Taquito is a powerful tool that simplifies interaction within the Tezos blockchain. It provides a suite of features that make it easier to deploy smart contracts, interact with the blockchain, and manage transactions, all while ensuring high security and reliability. Beata will also cover the basics of using Taquito and how it streamlines the process of deploying and interacting with smart contracts on the Tezos blockchain.

Part 6: Building A Decentralized Application (dApp)

Welcome back to the comprehensive series on NFT development on the Tezos blockchain with Developer Advocate Beata Lipska! In the sixth installment, dive deep into the crucial phases of building a decentralized application (dApp), focusing on both the back-end and front-end components. Following the detailed guide on Tezos's official documentation, Beata walks you through every step necessary to bring your NFT project to life.


This video series offers a thorough exploration of NFTs, from fundamental concepts to advanced development techniques. By following these tutorials, you can enhance your understanding of NFTs and gain practical skills for developing and deploying NFTs on the Tezos blockchain. Dive into the series and start your journey into the world of NFTs today.


Related resources

Dive into one of the tutorials from the community and get started now.


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